Pomona College Access Control Policy

Updated: July 22, 2024

I. Scope

This policy applies to any person granted access to any Pomona College property and to all door keys, vehicle keys, identification cards and other devices that control access to college property, including but not limited to buildings, sheds, out buildings, vehicles, closets, basements, etc.

II. Purpose

This policy supports the college’s efforts to maintain a safe and secure campus while providing necessary access to campus facilities. The policy governs how mechanical keys are issued and tracked and how access is granted to cardholders. It distinguishes the access procedures relating to academic and non-academic buildings, and access protocols for different members of the college community.

III. Policy Statement

Facilities Services (FS), Human Resources (HR) and Housing & Residence Life (HRL) seek to maintain a safe campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. These departments shall work collaboratively with members of the community to ensure that college access requirements for keys, College ID Cards, and electronic cards are met. Unauthorized use of devices to gain entry to college property and/or failure of individuals to safeguard keys always will be addressed promptly and subject to disciplinary action.

IV. Definitions

Access Control - Control of entry and/or exit to an area by any means (mechanical or electronic).

Access Control Key - Any device used to gain entry and/or exit to a controlled system -- normally a mechanical key, ID card key, or other authorized device.

Authorized Signatory – College employees empowered to authorize individual access, key issuance, and customized building lock/unlock schedules for buildings under his/her control. Each of the following positions is an “Authorized Signatory:”

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Assistant Vice President
  • Dean
  • Department Chair

Electronic Access Control - Access control using electronic or electromechanical devices to replace or supplement mechanical key access. Electronic access is administered through a computerized card access control system operated by Facilities Services (FS), Human Resources (HR) and Housing & Residence Life (HRL) and maintained by Facilities Services.

Electronic Access Control Application Administrator - College FS employee responsible for operating the electronic card access system and entering and deleting access control authorizations.

Electronic Access Software System Administrator – FS staff responsible for maintenance of the electronic card access software.

College Facilities - All buildings owned, rented, leased by, or under the control of the College including residence halls, leased housing, and student activity buildings; all structures owned, rented, leased by, or under the control of the College such as parking garages, and temporary contractor/subcontractor facilities, and structures located on college property. This includes property that may not be located in Claremont such as Halona Lodge.

V. Policy and Procedure

The college has two main types of access systems: mechanical keys and locks and electronic access. Electronic access is a campus-wide card access system consisting of an access control database and server; access control hardware that is installed in individual buildings; and the Pomona College Identification (ID) Cards that are held by individual users, generated by HR. The electronic access control system is centrally administered by FS with system rights granted to HRL for student residence hall access. Electronic access is provided by a person obtaining an ID card and that card being granted specific access rights. This Section V describes the following aspects of the access systems:

A. General Facility Access – Overview of Access Systems and Opening and Closing Hours

  1. Academic, Administrative, and Support Buildings. To enhance the safety and security of our community, effective fall semester 2024, academic, administrative, and support buildings will default to locked and accessible only by ID card access or key during normal operating hours. Authorized Signatories may request that FS adjust the hours of buildings controlled by the electronic access system to better suit a specific need, either on an ongoing or one-time basis. For buildings that are used for events after normal building hours, the request will be made to FS or the organization sponsoring the event.
  2. Residence Halls. College residence halls are always locked and accessible only by ID card access or key. Any office or authorized individual requiring an exception to the above (e.g., service, construction, move-in, move-out) must get approval from the Assistant Vice President-FCS in advance of the activity.

B. Authority and Responsibility for Access; Authorized Signatories

  1. Administrative Authority and Responsibility. The FS Department is responsible for the overall administration of the college’s access control system in partnership with HR. The FS Department is responsible for managing and maintaining the mechanical keying system and for coordinating new and replacement systems. The FS is responsible for maintenance of the electronic access control system.

    FS is authorized to order and issue mechanical keys for the college’s master keyed systems. The installation, changing, or removal of locks shall be performed only by the TCCS Lock Shop or by a vendor authorized by FS. Housing & HRL is responsible for managing access to the residence hall key and card key systems that ensure security of the residence halls.

  2. Financial Responsibility. Maintenance and repair of the access control system are primarily funded by FS. Departments operating revenue generating enterprises are responsible for funding maintenance and repair of access control systems for their assigned facilities. Vice Presidents/Deans/Department Chairs will be responsible for funding all costs associated with requests for additional or new keys and rekeying an area when security is compromised or becomes a concern because a key issued to faculty or staff is lost, stolen, or otherwise missing. Unless other arrangements have been made, card key costs are the responsibility of the faculty or staff member to whom the card was issued.

C. Access Protocols for Students, Faculty & Staff, Vendors, and Other Users

  1. Student Access.

    Residential Buildings: Housing & Residence Life (HRL) manages student access card and key authorization and use for all residence halls. Students have 24-hour access to all residential buildings unless access is otherwise limited or restricted. All mechanical keys must be returned to HRL at the end of each academic year or summer session. HRL maintains records of issued access cards and keys. 

    Academic Buildings: General card access to academic buildings is granted to students as determined by the Vice President/Dean of the College in conjunction with Department Chairs. If a department requires additional card access or keys for students, a written request from the Authorized Signatory must be provided to the FS Department. FS issues keys and activates card access directly to authorized students.

  2. Faculty and Staff Access. The FS Department manages keys and card access issued to faculty and staff that enable access to academic, administrative and unoccupied residential buildings when these buildings are locked. Faculty and staff requesting keys and/or card access must present to FS a memorandum signed by an Authorized Signatory or an email request from an Authorized Signatory.
  3. Vendor Access. Authorized vendors or contractors requiring access to college property should arrange for access through the appropriate department – typically, the department or unit issuing the contract with the vendor. For electronic access, the responsible department may arrange card access through FS Work Management. As with students, faculty, and staff, access must be approved by the appropriate Authorized Signatory and be arranged through FS or HRL. FS vendors and contractors may check out keys from the FS Office at Kenyon House. Unless other arrangements have been made, keys must be returned by the end of each working day. The issuing department is responsible for all charges resulting from lost vendor keys.
  4. Camp and Conference Participants. Conference Services, with support from HRL and FS, authorizes and manages the issuance of access cards and keys for camp and conference participants. Access cards will be given unique numbers and, once enabled for each camp by FS, will be issued directly to participants by Conference Services. Mechanical keys will be issued to Conferences Services through FS. Access cards and keys will only be valid for the duration of the camp or conference. Conference Services will notify FS if access cards, or keys are lost. All access cards and keys will be collected upon the completion of the camp or conference. Conference Services is financially responsible for all lost key and cards.

D. Mechanical Keys

Authorized Signatories may request building keys for personnel to use in areas directly under their control. When approved by an Authorized Signatory, FS will issue a key directly to the person responsible for its custody and use. Submaster keys are typically only issued to individuals with responsibilities for access to whole buildings or departments. Any missing key must be immediately reported to FS Work Management and the Director, FS. Keys for HRL buildings will be issued by HRL to the employee who will control the key. All master, grand master, and great grand master keys will have stamped on reference numbers applied by the FS. Custody of all keys is to be recorded in a key management system.

  1. Return of Keys. When keys are broken or are no longer required, the key holder shall return the key to FS or HRL office, as applicable. FS shall document return of the key in the key management system and provide a receipt to the key holder. HRL is authorized to manage residence hall keys in accordance with its internal policy.
  2. Responsibilities of Key Holders. All keys to college facilities remain the property of the college. Individuals with custody of college keys are authorized to use them for access to their work areas. Key holders are responsible for safeguarding keys at all times and for returning keys to FS when they are no longer needed. Most faculty and staff will have keys only for those building(s) and personal spaces (e.g., offices) in which they work. If additional keys are issued to an employee, the employee may not remove that key from campus. Key holders are also responsible for reporting lost or stolen keys immediately to their Dean or Department Chair, FS, or HRL, as applicable. The Authorized Signatory shall investigate the loss and take appropriate action. HRL is authorized to manage keys in accordance with its internal policy.

E. Electronic Access

The college’s campus-wide card access system consists of an access control database and server; access control hardware (card readers) installed in individual buildings; and the Pomona College Identification (ID) Cards that are held by individual users (such as students and employees). The electronic access control system is centrally administered by FS with system rights granted to HRL for facilities under their purview. Departments may be granted administrator rights in the electronic access control system when approved by the responsible Vice President. When granted, administrator rights in the electronic access system will be limited to only those buildings for which a department has responsibility. Unless approved as outlined in Section F below, electronic access installations will utilize the college’s access control system.

The electronic system is operated by FS and jointly maintained by the FS and HR. All requests for repairs of card access hardware or requests to add access control to a door or building are made through FS Work Management.

Any department wanting to add access points to the electronic access control system must submit a request to the FS Work Management.

  1. College ID Cards. The college ID card is used as the card key for the electronic access system. College ID cards are issued by HR for faculty and staff and Housing & HRL for students. FS will activate individual card access to academic, administrative, and support buildings (or portions of a building) at the request of the appropriate Authorized Signatory. The Director of Housing Operations, HRL is responsible for authorization and assignment of access to residence halls at the request of the appropriate Authorized Signatory. Card activations are typically performed within three days, but emergency activations can be performed when required.
  2. Responsibilities of Cardholders; Reporting Lost or Stolen Cards. Cardholders are responsible for immediately reporting their card key loss to FS or HRL as applicable. These offices will immediately identify the individual’s card as lost in the access control system. Faculty and staff should also notify their supervisor or Department Chair as soon as possible.

F. Requests for Special Access Control Systems

Specific areas within the college warrant separate, more secure access control system(s). These areas fall under the High Risk or High Security categories (e.g. controlled substance storage rooms, areas where money is stored). To obtain a separate, more secure access control system, an Authorized Signatory must request, with justification, to remove an area from the college’s master key system or the college’s electronic access control system. The requests will be submitted to FS for consideration by the Vice President/Chief Operating Officer.

If removal from the college system is approved, the requesting department is responsible for:

Supplying keys (or a master key or keys) to all areas with the non-standard system for inclusion in the facility’s Knox Box.

  • Providing FS with the names and phone numbers of at least two people who will be available for after-hours call-in if an emergency occurs. If the FS is unable to contact the designated personnel and the safety of the building or occupants require forced entry, the requesting department will be responsible for the cost of repairs.

Coordinating access with the college’s electronic access control application administrator if the system is an electronic system.

  • All costs associated with maintenance and repair of the non-standard system.

Unauthorized locks are prohibited on doors and if found will be removed, discarded, and replaced by a standard college key system. Any damage or repair necessitated by the removal of unauthorized locks will be the responsibility of the department installing the non-standard locks.

VI. Approval, Amendment, and Interpretation

This policy was approved by the Vice President/Chief Operating Officer. The FS and HR Departments interprets this policy and is directed to review this policy and its implementation to ensure continued effectiveness bi-annually.